Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Strengths.. Books.. Running ...

Its about 3:30AM in the morning and i can't get to sleep knowing that i have a long 24work day tomorrow. ( not a typ0..ya its 24 hr work day!)..

After numerous re-runs of the Sports center, i got to think about what we ( Me + Quadband) were talking last week about ones strengths and weakness. We had this little assignment started by Ram C that everyone of us has to jot down what they think their strengths are and also abt the rest of the gang. UDM being herself volunteered to add weakness along with positives about all. After going thru all the notes from the gang, My friends got me VERY right about my strengths and weakness.

That made me feel great that how best we understand each other and also adjust with each others negative aspects ( for an outsider eye.. we think we are perfect :) ).

I was reading DISC - 4 Dimensional managers which is very close to the subject we all were discussing about strengths/attributes etc.. It amazes me the amount of research thats done on human psychology, Organizational behavior and how naive i was until i got to get a glimpse of how people think, react and act based on their inherent natural instincts. Its a great read and just found out which group i fall into and trying to understand other personalities so i can understand others much better. Still haven't finished it. That book needs a separate post to talk abt and will do it soon.

Running.. the one thing that i am NOT greatly fond of BUT have seen the benefits of it first hand. I guess after a 6 week long India trip, binging on any thing that crosses my eyes ( had at least a pound of sweet everyday for 4 weeks) and then getting back on road eatinfg all the junk in december and January, its time to get back in shape. ( Hold on.. this is NOT my new year resolution to loose weight).

I figured only way to motivate myself is to enroll into a race which has a deadline to work with and some competitive time lines to meet. I like to work under pressure and DON"T like to loose or accept that i can't do few things with out a try. Hence this race. I badly want to finish this Half marathon ( April 11) for which i haven't started to train yet. I tried a 1.5mile race today on the TM and was exhausted. Need to cut back on all the cold ones been having at the excuse of holidays. Can't complain they were good especially :) when you having them with friends re-living those nostalgic moments..

I decided now to blog my daily running escapades ( good and bad) and see where i stand. Tomorrow i plan for another 2 mile run at a minimum with some weights..

more later..


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